A Day at Camp Lighthouse…

Camp Lighthouse

Most days are spent entirely outdoors; therefore, it is important that you apply a thorough coat of sunscreen before dropping off your camper each morning. Everyone will re-apply at lunchtime and as needed throughout the day. Because a great deal of the day is spent outdoors, we utilize a series of covered gazebos for campers to take breaks from the sun and lots of water play to keep cool in the summer heat. Additionally, we have child-ready indoor spaces for specific activities.

At Camp Lighthouse, we aim to target a variety of interests. Each week you will receive a schedule outlining the activities that are available to your camper’s age group, as well as the times and locations of our field trips. Each block of the day offers choices led by our amazing counselors. There is also time during the day for children to play in the sandbox, mud kitchen, and playground.  

Fireflies (ages 3.5 – 5) and Beacons (ages 6 – 7) spend most of their day on the side of our campus that caters to the younger age-groups, while Keepers (ages 8-9) and Starbucks (ages 10-12) are on the other side of campus enjoying activities and sports specific to their interests, abilities, and ages. Throughout the week, there are all-camp activities, such as talent shows, special guests, and our all-camper meeting at the end of each day. At Camp Lighthouse, the average camper:counselor ratio is 7:1.

Age Levels


3.5 to 5-year-old campers

The Fireflies are our youngest campers. They love to explore and engage in imaginative play alongside their friends. Among a variety of counselor-led activities, Fireflies are offered time each day for free play in our mud kitchen, sandbox, and play structure. Some of their off-campus adventures include visits to the Atheneum for puppet shows and children’s music concerts and exploring Nantucket’s natural spaces, such as Squam Farm and Lily Pond. 


6 & 7-year-old campers

Campers of this age learn and express themselves best through active play and more structured group activities. On-campus activities include sports, water games, arts and crafts, and more. Some of the Beacons’ favorite field trips include the Bamboo Forest and the Labyrinth. 


8 & 9-year-old campers

While campers of this age are becoming more independent, they still benefit from the structure and predictability of our weekly schedule. In addition to sports, games, and projects offered on-campus, Keepers venture off-campus for weekly excursions to places like Egan Maritime Institute and the State Forest for


10 to 12-year-old campers

As the oldest campers, the Starbucks have many opportunities throughout camp to develop their leadership skills, including helping to organize games for their younger peers. Starbucks participate in a variety of
on-campus activities based on their unique interests, as well as field trips to explore places like the Creeks and the Cranberry Bogs. 
